Having a landing page for business increases conversion and decreases customer confusion.
When you’re touting something specific on your website, are you sending viewers to a landing page or just directing them to your homepage? In our world of “go, go, go” it is essential to be considerate and effective by bringing your viewer; a potential customer, to the exact place or offer he or she is looking for, hence, a landing page.
In other words, the consequences of letting the consumer hunt for the information could be a loss of business when he or she is frustrated with the process.
So, what exactly is a landing page? It’s created with a specific, simple purpose, usually to sell a product, offer a download, or capture a sales or business lead. Its goal is to garner an immediate result. You can employ the use of dedicated landing pages for every marketing initiative, be it with a search, promoted on social media, and more. The immediacy of a dedicated landing page for business can yield exciting results.
Hubspot.com asserts, a dedicated landing page should convert 5-15 percent better than the main pages of your site. With some testing and tweaking, the improvement could be considerably higher. Who doesn’t want to convert viewers to customers? The more the merrier! You may see it as an extra step, or more work but more potential sales is a big reason why it’s important to have landing pages for business.
Ingredients of a Great Landing Page for Business
Essentially, the driving factor behind your landing page should be simple: to communicate a clear goal. Creating that page, though, requires detailed knowledge regarding how people view and interact with information online, and how to implement and test elements to see which will yield the best results.
You also need to have a good understanding of who your viewer/consumer is. A well-constructed landing page will capture a viewer’s attention almost instantly, will give them the information they are looking for and will engage with them in a way that entices them to share information with your business.
Any productive landing page should cause the visitor to wonder three things:
- Where Am I?: “ The viewer should feel they know the answer to this right away. Help make it happen by employing a consistent design and messaging from wherever they first found the link to the landing page itself. Think graphic design, logos, colors, fonts, language, tone, and more.
- What Can I Do Here?: “ Their options should be obvious and limited because the page should send a clear message and have an obvious goal.
- Why Should I Do It?: “ AKA, “ why is this attractive to me? What’s the incentive? Here’s where you need to stand apart from your competition.
Remember that it’s critical that you communicate well with your visitor on their first visit because it could be his or her last. Send a clear, concise, thoughtful, and targeted message.
Put Yourself in the Visitor’s Position
When you’re looking to design a landing page for business, don’t go in blindly. First, take the time to research your target audience. First, you may want to do a bit of research on how people view and interact with web pages and the information presented on them. Then you’ll want to know your demographics and what your viewers see as their needs, as well as what they do and do not know.
Armed with specific knowledge, you can begin building your page and testing elements, and working on design details such as getting them to follow the information in a neat, easy-to-read fashion and order. Psychology has shown people find following arrows hard to resist, as well as the gaze of another individual.
Visitors to webpages are also not there to read as much as to scan information. This makes using effective headlines and bullet points essential. Remember to stick to your messaging and branding.
The positioning of information is important too. Remember that the top of your page is prime real estate. If you cannot fit all you want to get across on the top portion of the screen, be sure the essential information is presented first, to keep the reader engaged and willing to scroll down if needed.
Finally, remember that testing is a critical component for creating a successful landing page for business. Consider these essential elements in your tweaking: headlines and header images; body copy; form content; buttons and their sizes, colors and text features; graphics and colors; and font color and sizing. Test and tweak as long as time and your budget allow until you feel confident with your landing page design.
We hope this information helped you learn more about the importance of having landing pages for your business. If you need help with your website, branding strategy, or would like business consulting contact us today!
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