Back in March of this year, there was a spoof video released showing some celebrities riding a hoverboard. These celebrities such as Tony Hawk and Moby were trying the alleged technology. Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future was even involved! Unfortunately, it was a really good prank that left us all wondering if the technology would ever really exist – at least in our lifetime.
Enter Hendo Hover.
What was once a dream for us children of the 80’s, is now a reality. Hendo Hover set out to make this dream a reality and the future looks promising. Even though it can only currently hover on specific surfaces, with a little patience and help from their backers on Kickstarter, we’re hoping one day we will all be donning self-drying jackets like Marty McFly and coasting the streets on these futuristic modes of transportation.
With 26 days to go on their crown funding campaign, Hendo Hover has almost doubled their original goal of $250,000. Certain backers will be gifted the hover engine to tinker with and hover objects of their own design for as low as $299. The hoverboard will also be available – if you can afford it’s price tag of $10,000.
Regardless of price, this is really cool technology and I personally can’t wait until I can check one out!