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FXV Digital Design | Digital Marketing Agency

facebook marketing

Facebook has 2 billion users worldwide. Use this platform to elevate your brand and business.

Presently, social media can be a surreal platform and sometimes difficult to navigate. However, it can be used to grow your businesses platform, and essential to use. Facebook has 183 million users in North America, why not increase your online presence on the largest social media platform, ever? FXV Digital Design is here to give you some tips and tricks to help dominate Facebook marketing.

Know your Demographic

Who is your audience and clientele? How old are they? Where are they located? On average, what are they spending? Do they use Facebook, and if so, when are they using Facebook? Can Facebook marketing reach your demographic? Getting to know your demographic is essential for growth. Knowing your consumer base means knowing what they want. You don’t want to pander, you want to give them what they need. Knowing is more than half the battle. With the information gathered strategize on how to market your business. Try to focus on previous customers and identify similarities to capture your demographic, and obtain that sweet customer feedback. Hold off on being “Like” driven.

Goal Setting

You know your demographic, where does your business go from here? For any achievement, you must set goals. Goal setting will help tackle all areas of your online presence that is looking to be strengthened. Perhaps you’d like to double your online content to increase customer traffic. Focus on the big picture: How will this help my bottom line? Goals should be centered on lead generating, interaction on your posts and page, customer feedback, reviews, etc. Goals should be serious. Having a goal of increasing sales by 1000% in a month span off Facebook advertisements is bananas. Be realistic, understand that this is process, but do not give up on your goals.

Content Creation

The goals are set, now its time for some (digital) elbow grease. Content creation may not be a tip, but it is vital. Quality content is hard to come by, but not hard to create. We recommend most of your content entertains, informs, and educates. Try using all mediums that Facebook offers. That means creating posts, photos, and videos. If your company has excellent user reviews, create user testimonies. Share this information on a new format. Facebook is crucial for networking and starting relationships within your digital diaspora.

Obviously, a company must add posts about themselves, and how that service is needed in your community. It is not a solo mission, seek some assistance from other local businesses. A simple share-for-share on Facebook allows two different businesses to gain attention from a new audience all for free. Posts that engage have staying power. Everyone loves absorbing new content, so try to make as much fresh and original content without pushing sales too much.

Goal Tracking

Let’s circle back to those goals. Posts were created, now what? Set some goals on what you want from posts. Keep an eye on your goals. Is this approach working? Check what did and didn’t work. How can you improve content that will elevate your Facebook marketing even further? Facebook has a tool called Page Insights that will measure likes, views, and engagement. This tool will keep you on track on what is or isn’t working.

Trial and error is an essential part of business growth. Lastly, FXV Digital Design encourages all local and small businesses to take full advantage to use Facebook marketing. Smash that “Like” if the content helped you understand Facebook marketing. The best part of it all? There is no cost in starting a business site, and to create posts. Contact our team of professionals and we will utilize our skills to help your business stand out from your competitors.

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